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The Importance of Marine Engineering to the UK Economy

The Importance of Marine Engineering to the UK Economy

Company News Tuesday, July 9, 2013: Clyde Marine Training

A recent report by the Royal Academy of Engineering on Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) occupations found that demand for graduate engineers is exceeding supply. Since then there has been more focus by the British Government on the education of engineers and raising awareness of engineering career paths within the UK. With engineering being essential to a number of sectors there is a huge variety of career options available. There are career options in sound, safety, transport, aeronautical, energy and marine to name a few. Looking at engineering as a whole, SEMTA predicts that UK industry will need to recruit an extra 354,000 employees, to replace retirees up until 2016.

Some people have the impression that engineering is mathematically challenging, but truth is that engineering concerns the science used within design, engine building, machines and structures. For marine engineering Clyde Marine Training are one of the UK companies most associated with the education and promotion of engineers within the merchant navy. Marine engineering is broadly defined as working offshore on various vessels where the main tasks are working in the engine room and ensuring that all of the engines are configured, maintained and operated consistently and efficiently. There is a particular emphasis on propulsion and control systems.

Raising awareness for careers that are not balanced with supply and demand is important in sustaining the growth and economy within Britain. The simple truth is that SET occupations exert a powerful influence on the UK economy. Maintaining the current level of growth for marine engineering requires companies such as Clyde Marine Training to promote and provide information on the routes they offer for entrance into an engineering career and advice on how to accomplish a degree in engineering and begin a successful career in marine engineering.

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