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Proetch Services Ltd

There are many different names for the process. The terminology is hard to standardise with these sorts of industries as people on one side of the world are finding out things at the same time as people on the other side of the world, but they may give it another name. We call the process Chemical Milling but it is also known as :- Photo etching, Photochemical milling, Photochemical machining, Photo milling, Photofabrication, or Chemical Blanking (in the USA).

The Chemical Milling process is used as a means to produce thin (up to approx. 3mm thick) metal components in all sorts of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. These components which would previously be made by conventional mechanical machining or blanking operations are cut to shape and size using acids to dissolve away the unwanted material, thus leaving you with components you require.

This is a process that offers many advantages over traditional machining methods. Chemically milled components are free from mechanical stress

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