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Cheshire Pump Company Limited

Cheshire Pump Company Limited supply Pumps and Flow Control Pinch Valves for Industrial applications. The company provide a full service including design, supply, overhaul, repair, training

The company are the UK agent for Flowsys, manufacturers of Abrasion Resistant Pumps and Pinch Valves. The Pinch valves may be manually operated or fitted with pneumatic, hydraulic or motor driven actuators. Valve sleeves are suitable for abrasive, chemicallly aggressive, food and beverage, paper and pulp applications

CPC also represent CDR Pumps, SEKO sPa, Ebara, Lowara, ABS

The following pump types are available Centrifugal, Mag -Drive, Hydraulic - Air - Mechanical Diaphragm, Piston Plunger

For all process, metering, dosing,viscous - abrasive - chemical pumps and valves see
Tel UK 0151 355 3666 (outside UK +44 151 355 3666)

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