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Colloide Engineering Systems

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Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic DigestionAnaerobic Digestion is a natural biological process that can be used to generate renewable energy and manage waste.

Biomass Heating

Biomass HeatingColloide designs and constructs sustainable biomass heating solutions for all types of businesses, from small organisations to large commercial and industrial enterprises.

Chemical Dosing

Chemical DosingColloide design and build customised chemical storage and dosing systems for a wide range of chemicals and applications.

District Heating and Cooling

District heatingDistrict heating systems include a centralised energy centre which then distributes the heat through a network of insulated pipes to the buildings which are connected to the network.

Dynamic Sand Filters

Dynamic Sand FiltersColloide‘s Dynamic Sand Filter offers an excellent treatment system for the removal of solids and other contaminants from a water/wastewater stream.

Scraper Systems

Scraper SystemsColloide provides circular and rectangular scraping systems (plastic and steel) for settlement and flotation tanks.

Energy Centre

energy centreColloide designs and builds customised energy centres which generate heat which can then be distributed to buildings or district heat networks.

Heat Pumps

heat pumpColloide designs and installs heat pump systems. The heat pump extracts the energy at the source temperature and then raises the temperature to a useable level.

Clarifier Systems

Clarifier systemsClarifiers are settling tanks built for continuous removal of solids.

Pumping Stations

pumping stationColloide designs and builds a variety of pumping systems for our clients, pumping anything from pure water through to heavy slurries.

Pressure Filters

pressure filtersColloide designs and builds customised pressure filtration systems for a wide variety of applications.

Membrane Filtration

membrane filtrationColloide can design, build and commission membrane systems specifically to individual clients, working with an extensive range of membranes and configurations, from effluent treatment to pure water solutions.

Activated Sludge Treatment

Activated sludgeColloide has a range of solutions available for effluent treatment.

Control Systems

Control SystemsColloide offer easy to use and easy to implement control solutions.
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