Magnetics Division - Global Equipment Mktg Inc.
Electro Permanent Magnet

Most type magnets are available using electro permanent magnet, consisting of aluminum wound coils immersed in a transformer oil (for prevention of overheating or shorting) or air-cooled for extreme or dusty environments.
Available in Electro are Self-Cleaning Overhead Magnets and Suspension Magnets, among others. These are available for conveyors that are deeper troughed, moving faster and respectively carrying deeper burdens of a wide range of materials or when tramp iron to be separated is extremely heavy. All Self-Cleaning Separators or Suspension Magnets are designed for installation over conveyors where tramp iron contamination exists and needs to be removed for protection of subsequent processing machinery or providing cleaner product. They are capable of operating in different environments throughout the world.
The electro units consist of a stationary tri-polar design magnet unit, with coils wound in aluminum wire or foil dependent on size, and insulated to Class ‘H’ (or above) temperature specification to receive DC power supply. Magnets can be air or oil cooled, whichever is more suitable for the application. Oil cooled magnets are fitted with expansion tanks to ensure the coil is always immersed in oil and is furnished with breather and sight glass. All are furnished with heavy-duty non-magnetic impact plates to withstand heavy impact of extracted iron. Larger separators to 30 tons are built in sections and can be assembled on site.
Self-Cleaning units, can be fitted across the conveyor, attracting the tramp iron and discharging to one side on the conveyor or in-line over the head pulley, discharging extracted iron forward of the normal trajectory. In certain applications, when site conditions dictate, an overband can be fitted in a diagonal position using the better features of both applications, but not obtaining the perfection of true ‘in-line’ position.
Suspension units are cleaned merely by turning off the magnet at point of control. Sizes for all width conveyors and material burden depths are available to suit any application.
Drum Magnets are also available in Electro, as Fragmentizer Drums, used heavily in the auto shredding business
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