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Abrasive Cutting Machines

RTS (Leeds) Ltd

Our personnel have wide ranging experience in solving many differing engineering problems. This experience covers a very wide range of industrial sectors and manufacturing processes. The headings below give illustrations of the kinds of solutions that have been successfully designed, manufactured and delivered to satisfied customers.

We have produced a range of abrasive cutting machines and control systems to meet all manner of customer requirements. Materials include ferrous, non ferrous and various superalloys.  We have supplied bespoke welding machines for specialised applications including automatic welding machines.

Services include (but are not limited to):

  • Cutting - Abrasive cutting machines range from 2.2kW to 55kW. Control is manual to fully automatic. Using abrasive disk, toothed disk and band saw. Materials include ferrous, non ferrous and superalloy. Creating safer working environments for operators.
  • Handling - These handling systems accommodate large and small parts in a range of environmental conditions. Large, forged to small, automotive - chemical processing lines to automatic pallet loading - bringing innovative answers to manufacturing needs.
  • Chamfering - Auto chamfering and linishing machines have eliminated manual processing and improved safety. Components can be chamfered at one end or at both. Materials include ferrous, non ferrous and superalloy.
  • Testing - A range of testing facilities for both destructive and non-destructive testing of materials used in critical applications. Materials are predominantly superalloys used in aerospace. Applications cover raw material and finished part testing.
  • Welding - Our automatic welding machines range from automatic multi headed machines to single headed manual welded driven fixtures. Used in safety critical applications, consistency and reliability are paramount. ‘Double Station' machines can maximise production.

Customers frequently call for solutions to quite unusual problems. These require the application of expertise in a variety of novel and innovative ways. A few examples of how these problems have been solved are shown here.

  • Component Test, Oil Spray and Pallet Loading Machine - Component automatically gauge tested & oil sprayed. Components automatically stacked into transit pallets, Automatic failed parts rejection, Timed automatic cycle, High volume automotive parts.
  • Ultra High Pressure Water Jet Cutting - Profiling insulation material. Max pressure 60,000 psi. PC link for DXF files. CNC coding and download. Servo driven X-Y control. Fully enclosed operation. Twin element light guarding. Fully extracted enclosure.
  • Explosion Testing Vessel - Experimental vessel used for study of explosion behavior. Fully calculated design. Built to high tolerances. Fully coded welding. Safety critical application

The staff at RTS (Leeds) Ltd have been providing innovative machinery and equipment solutions to the engineering industry in the UK and overseas since 1988.

Their expertise lies in providing special purpose machinery and materials handling equipment to a broad range of manufacturing disciplines. This equipment has been used in a wide variety of industrial and analytical environments and applications. The company carries projects through from initial design, manufacture, assembly and testing to installation and commissioning.

We provide a full range of facilities under one roof covering CAD design, machining, fabrication, assembly and testing. This enables us to offer proven, cost effective solutions to your engineering requirements.

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