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Xanthan Gum - Food Grade

Solmantex Xanthan Gum is a high molecular weight polysaccharideSolmantex Xanthan Gum is a high molecular weight polysaccharide.

Caustic Soda

Our Solmantex Caustic Soda contains over 98.5% NaOHOur Solmantex Caustic Soda contains over 98.5% NaOH

Calcined Kaolin

Calcined KaolinThe application is for all kinds of paints, including emulsion paint and oil paint

Xanthan Gum - Oil Drilling Grade

Solmantex Xanthan Gum is a high molecular weight polysaccharide

Ultrafine Titanium Dioxide

Ultrafine Titanium DioxideSolmantex ultrafine titanium dioxide is known for its many and versatile applications emanating from its very small particle size and semiconductor nature

Titanium Dioxide High Grade

Titanium Dioxide High GradeSolmantex Titanium Dioxide is a micronized rutile pigment in Europe. The pigment is lattice stabilized with alumina and surface-treated with aluminium and zirconium compounds.

Titanium Dioxide

Titanium DioxideThis white pigment is surface treated with silicon oxide and aluminium hydroxide. It is used for production of laminated decorative paper, organic solvent based systems for industrial and architectural coatings.
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