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Thermex Ltd

Thermex Heat Exchangers provide a flexible, high quality and cost effective solution for a wide variety of applications. A heat exchanger is an important part of any equipment that produces waste heat such as engines, generators and power packs, therefore it is essential that the best heat exchanger design is selected to ensure reliability and longevity of your application. Over the last 30 years Thermex has developed into one of the world's leading heat exchanger manufacturers, providing our customers with a cost effective product and unrivalled technical support.

The three main heat exchanger variations we supply are;

Shell and Tube Heat ExchangersOur most flexible and versatile product is available in many variations including Marine Oil Coolers, Hydraulic Oil Coolers, Charge Air Coolers and Swimming Pool Heat Exchangers

Air Cooled Heat Exchangers – Thermex can design and supply air cooled heat exchangers for a wide range of vehicles and power generators. They can be supplied as air blast coolers or multi-circuit combination cooling packs featuring radiators, engine oil coolers, transmission oil coolers and charge air coolers in a single package.

Plate Heat ExchangersThermex can also design and supply Plate Heat Exchangers for a wide range of applications, from beverage cooling to construction equipment.

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