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Vortex HDP® Slide Gate Valve
Product News Tuesday, March 7, 2006: Vortex
NEW PRODUCT ! -- Vortex HDP® Slide Gate Valve
The Vortex HDP Slide Gate Valve, offers the dry bulk solids industry a revolutionary new valve with expanded capabilities. This heavy duty slide gate valve
- Handles non-abrasive to abrasive powders, granules, and pellets
- solates pressures up to 5 bars (75 psig) depending on size
- Will not leak to atmosphere or across valve
- Contains a displacement pocket that reduces / eliminates material packing as the blade closes
- Easily Maintained 4” through 16” sizes
The HDP Slide Gate Valve was developed to address these applications:
- Gates placed at the discharge of bins or silos experiencing high aeration
- Gates located above or below airlocks feeding into higher pressure conveying lines
- Gates used with scaling operations where air pressure leakage through the valve could potentially cause weight variances
- Process gates for dense phase conveying systems
Patent pending, unique features include
- Self-adjusting blade and clevis
At the end of the stroke, the blade rises vertically into the closed / sealed position. Seal adjustment and associated wear is greatly minimized. A displacement area at the end of the valve prevents material packing as the blade closes.
- Self-adjusting bonnet seal cartridge
As with the blade and clevis, the “live loaded” bonnet seal cartridge mirrors the perpendicular movement of the blade. Depending on valve accessibility, bonnet seals may be changed without taking the gate out of place.
- “Tombstone” blade design and outlet transition
The blade is unique in function and appearance. The tombstone shape allows for valve self-cleaning as well as enhanced sealing of material to the bonnet.
Industries: The Vortex HDP addresses material handling issues in traditional fine material
applications, plastics, and foods. It further addresses applications for industries handling cement and other fine powders where dense phase or high aeration conditions are present.
Product Categories:
Materials Handling » Valves & Actuators » Slide Valves
Materials Handling » Valves & Actuators » Slide Gate Valves
Mechanical » Valves & Actuators » Slide Valves
Mechanical » Valves & Actuators » Slide Gate Valves