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Tech Steel & Materials

Video: Mind Bending Alloy Metals - Tech Steel & Materials

MIND-BENDING ALLOY METALS!Tech Steel presents ... Mind-bending alloy metals! Aluminum, titanium, steel alloys: These are common metals we see every day. But there's more to these metals than meets the eye ... take a look.ALUMINUM alloy: First up, aluminum alloy. Today, aluminum alloy is used in just about everything—from soda cans to iPods and laptops. But did you know that aluminum alloy was once so rare that it was worth more than gold? That's right. Aluminum alloy comes from bauxite ore and early on, it was very difficult to extract. As the extraction methods developed, aluminum's cost went down—and its uses went up. This once precious metal is now plentiful ... and the perfect container for your soda pop. TITANIUM alloy: Titanium alloy is another abundant element. Chances are that you or someone you know has a titanium bracelet or piercings. But many more people may be walking around with titanium alloy—literally—and you may never even know it. Because titanium is more corr...

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