NeoMetrix Technologies, Inc.
Reverse Engineering

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Most applications require the development of a 3D CAD (Computer Aided Design) model as the final output. Specialized software is used to process the raw scanned data in to the final model. The process used will depend upon the desired output format:
Clean & Optimized Polygon Mesh
File Format:stl, vrml, obj, ply
Description:Processed data from single or multiple scans. Geometry is represented by a mesh of triangles Holes have been filled, defects removed, rough spots smoothed. Suitable for CNC machining, rapid prototyping, 3D printing or further processing into a surface or solid model.
Cross-Sectional Curves
File Format:iges
Description:Network of curves developed by slicing through a point cloud or polygonal mesh. Geometry is represented by splines. Useful for import into CAD to develop 2D drawings or 3D models.
Rapid Surface Model
File Format:iges, step, Solidworks
Description:Quilt of smooth surface patches is “shrink-wrapped” onto the polygonal mesh to create a model suitable for import into CAD. Upon CAD import, surfaces are knit together to form a static, or non-parametric solid. Useful for highly complex shapes such as organic forms, art & sculpture or intricate castings.
Feature Based Solid Model
File Format:iges, step, parasolid, Solidworks (sldprt)
Description:Model is composed of primitive geometric features, trimmed surfaces, fillets & radii. Geometry is developed using traditional solid modeling techniques such as sketching and extruding, using the underlying scanned data as a reference. Original feature geometry may be extracted after import into customer CAD system.
Parametric Solid Model
File Format:Solidworks (sldprt)
Description:Model is composed of primitive geometric features, trimmed surfaces, fillets & radii. Geometry is developed using traditional solid modeling techniques such as sketching and extruding, using the underlying scanned data as a reference. Entire model history is transferred into Solidworks upon completion in order to facilitate future design changes.
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