Setco Spindles & Slides
Belt Driven Spindles

SETCO offers standard lines precision belt-driven spindles in Block, Cartridge, and Flange Cartridge configurations up to 200mm (7.874”) diameter shaft size. These spindles are offered in a large variety of models and a full range of sizes for most any application; such as automotive, aerospace, construction, die/mold, cabling and winding, plastics, stone cutting and general metalworking industries.
- Standard Models and Configurations
- High Speed Designs
- Drop-in Replacement Spindles for Popular Machines
- Custom Spindle Designs and Motor Drive Packages
- Optional Tool Interfaces, Drawbars and Much More!
Sentry Line
Sentry is our standard building-block spindle and is offered as a low-cost solution for applications that call for a precision, high performance, and quick delivery in a standard “inch” design. There are 6 standard Sentry spindle models. All models are grease lubricated and designed to deliver years of trouble-free performance.
ProMetrix Line
ProMetrix is our customizable belt-driven spindle line. Offered in 10 standard sizes ranging from 40mm to 200mm, ProMetrix spindles are available is Block, Cluster, and Cartridge designs and can be configured to include most any option to meet application needs. The ProMetrix spindle line is designed around a pre-engineered “metric” design that takes the guess work out of manufacturing a custom spindle. From a customer’s viewpoint, pre-engineering allows us to design and manufacture a custom spindle in less time, with less cost, and highest reliability.
4000 Series Line
4000 Series spindles are line is SETCO’s most comprehensive line of belt-driven spindles. The 4000 Series is offered in three spindle designs for Boring, Milling and Grinding applications. Each design is unique to their application and all feature heavy duty construction to maximize performance. The SETCO 4000 Series spindle line is offered in standard and customized designs and can be configured to include a large variety of options.
Grinding Spindles
SETCO offers many types of OD and ID grinding spindles. Intended as replacement spindles on Springfield and Campbell grinders, internal grinding cartridge spindles were designed to convert vertical turret lathes and boring mills to grinding machines. Today SETCO precision grinding spindles are versatile and used for a much wide range of new and retrofit internal and external grinding applications.
Custom Precision Spindles
SETCO manufacturers the most reliable spindle in the world, this includes standard and custom designs. Our reputation speaks for itself as we build spindles for applications all over the world. SETCO is the home of Pope, Master, Whitnon spindle designs, and has more spindle designs than any manufacturer.
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