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Stainless Valve Co., Inc.

Anti-Scale Valves

Anti-Scale Valves

Since 1996 Stainless Valve Co. has done some work with several customers on the application of their Stargate O-Port® valves in applications, where scale formation creates functional problems for the valves.

Valves For Scale-Forming Applications In A Gold Mine

In the first week of 2000 SVC visited a gold mine and found that in a slurry application valves were used, which had to be taken out of service every two weeks, because after that short time of service the valves could not be actuated anymore. The reason was severe formation of scale on all internal surfaces of the valves.

SVC suggested to use the AS Stargate-O-Port® valves for this application. In April 2000 the first valve, 12" diameter, was installed and has been in continuous service now for over three years with no need for taking the valves out of service, no need for removing scale.

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