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Soil Reinforcement, Ground Stabilisation, Tensar TriAx geogrid

Tensar International

Solutions for Pavement Optimisation, Soil Reinforcement and Ground Stabilization, Erosion Control, Retaining Walls and Slope Reinforcement, and Asphalt Reinforcement

Innovative solutions from Tensar International have been developed to apply to a wide range of construction problems and implemented on thousands of projects worldwide, Tensar's construction solutions have a proven track record as cost effective and time saving construction solutions.

World class design expertise, unique products and over 30 years construction application experience means that Tensar International offer the best value.

At Tensar International clients can expect a full professional service from start to finish, we act as your partner, helping you to achieve your objectives, on time and within budget by offering cost-effective geosynthetic solutions.

Pavement Optimisation

It is common knowledge that the practice of installing a “typical pavement section” is proving to be problematic.  The excessive requirements for plant, labour and material resources along with lengthy contractual programmes can be challenging.  This can cause additional risk, time and money due to increasing traffic loads on the highway network.  Further issues include inadequate pavement structures, lower maintenance budgets and increasing material costs. 

These issues have forced highway engineers to seek value-engineered alternatives to the conventional strategies they have traditionally relied on to evaluate their projects. IA growing number of highway engineers are adopting the Tensar Pavement Optimisation System, incorporating Tensar TriAx® geogrid, to optimise pavement design and construction techniques. The system combines Tensar TriAx geogrid with aggregate fill to create a mechanically stabilised layer (MSL) that is significantly stiffer and more robust than a conventional unbound aggregate layer. The enhanced structural characteristics of the MSL allow the designer to obtain greater performance from the whole pavement structure, which results in more economical construction, reduced risk, improved performance, reduced waste and longer life.

Soil Reinforcement and Ground Stabilization

In almost any sort of construction project, working on weak or variable ground usually presents considerable challenges for soil stabilization. But Tensar’s technology and know-how in ground stabilization not only improves performance, but is proven to reduce costs and environmental impact of subgrade improvement too. Our innovative TriAx™ geogrids, with near uniform 360 degrees tensile stiffness for optimum performance, are designed to provide effective confinement of the granular fill .This results in a stiff mechanically stabilized earth layer, capable of controlling differential settlement, reducing road fill depths, capping weak deposits and increasing bearing capacity.

Erosion Control

A good protection from soil erosion is natural vegetation, however this may not be adequate on steep slopes or areas prone to intermittent high velocity flows or wave run-up.

  • Rivers
  • Reservoirs
  • Lakes
  • Flood bunds
  • Drainage ditches
  • Overspill ponds

In cases requiring erosion control an additional permanent erosion protection layer (which will visually become a part of the slope) is needed to enhance the resistance of the vegetation of the slope.

Retaining Walls and Slope Reinforcement

Using our 30 years of experience with construction and reinforced soil design (such as reinforced earth walls and reinforced slopes), as well as our geogrid products, TensarTech Earth Retaining Systems offer many options to suit a wide range of applications.
These choices include:
  • Earth Retaining walls , WingWalls and Bridge abutments with a selection of systems, such as modular facing blocks, full height or incremental concrete panels
  • Steep slopes constructed with fast, economical techniques to create reinforced slopes with a steep face angle and a vegetated finish, enhancing slope stability

Repair of slopes  using a combination of geogrids and the failed soil to restore slope stability with less environmental damage.

Asphalt Reinforcement

Tensar’s asphalt reinforcement grids interact with the bitumen bound layer to add tensile stiffness, limiting asphalt strains and reducing the development of cracking. Furthermore, if and when cracks do eventually develop, they are generally much smaller. Structural asphalt grids can also reduce surface rutting associated with low stiffness mixes, subject to slow heavy wheel loading at high temperatures. Asphalt composites are grids bonded to a textile fabric that absorbs bitumen from the bond coat and can act as a stress relief membrane (also known as a Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer or SAMI). The fabric can also act as a barrier to assist in te prevention of water entering the pavement underlayers. 


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