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ML Fabcuts Ltd

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Waterjet Cutting

Waterjet CuttingWe can offer waterjet cutting through virtually any material up to 200mm Thick. We have a bed size capacity of 6m x 2.5m

Plasma Cutting

Plasma CuttingOur Plasma cutting machine can cut up to 40mm Thick Mild Steel and 30mm Thick Stainless Steel with a bed capacity of 6m x 2.5m.

Dual Process Cutting

Dual Process CuttingWe can offer Plasma and waterjet cutting on the same profile if you require up to a bedisze of 6m x 2.5m. This would give you the best combination of cost efficiency and accuracy.

Laser Cutting

Laser CuttingWith Laser cutting, we can offer cutting up to 12mm Mild Steel and up to 5mm Stainless Steel.

Flame Cutting

Flame CuttingWe have a 4m x 2m Bedsize for flame cutting profiles up 20 150mm Thick mild steel.
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