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ML Fabcuts Ltd

ML Fabcuts are an ISO registered company specialising in CNC cutting services and CNC profiling from a wide range of materials. We can offer profiles cut using state of the art technology. We cut materials using Laser, Waterjet, Plasma and Flame processes. We are based in Higham, Kent in South East England, UK.

ML Fabcuts machine operators have a combined experience of over 20 years of cnc cutting services giving a knowledge of the machines and software that is hard to beat. We use a wide range of highly specialised machinery for our profiling. Leading names such as Esab for Plasma, waterjet and flame cutting, Flow for Waterjet cutting and Bystronic Laser cutting machine. All of these are driven with the latest powerful Sigmanest software. We are able to import your vector graphics CAD files into our Sigmanest including the more popular dxf and dwg file formats. We have magic eye technology to 'read' your templates into our Sigmanest software. We can cut from our supply material or from your free issue material if you prefer.

CNC Cutting Services Available:
  • Waterjet Cutting - We can offer waterjet cutting through virtually any material up to 200mm Thick. We have a bed size capacity of 6m x 2.5m.
  • Plasma Cutting - Our Plasma cutting machine can cut up to 40mm Thick Mild Steel and 30mm Thick Stainless Steel with a bed capacity of 6m x 2.5m
  • Dual Process Cutting - We can offer Plasma and waterjet cutting on the same profile if you require up to a bedisze of 6m x 2.5m. This would give you the best combination of cost efficiency and accuracy
  • Laser Cutting - With Laser cutting, we can offer cutting up to 12mm Mild Steel and up to 5mm Stainless Steel
  • Flame Cutting - We have a 4m x 2m Bedsize for flame cutting profiles up 20 150mm Thick mild steel
  • Other Services - We can also cater to many of your other needs. We have capabilities to offer you light folding on your profiles, paint, powder coat or galvanised finishes. Please contact us with your requirements

Ml Fabcuts was established in 2003 by the managing Director, Matthew Levett and has been steadily growing ever since to become a major supplier of profiles in the South East as it is today.The company originally started with a single CNC waterjet/plasma machine and we now have four large machines giving us Laser, Waterjet, Plasma and Flame Cutting capabilities.

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