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Lubrication Technology, Inc.   Silver Listing 

At Lubrication Technology, Inc. (LTI) we design, develop, manufacture and market CHRISTO-LUBE® synthetic lubricants based on; Perfluoropolyethers, Fluorinated Polysiloxanes, Polyalphaolefins and Synthetic hydrocarbon cooligimers.

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Phone   +1 740 574-5150
  +800 477 8704
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Latham Filtration Technology (Pty) Ltd   Platinum350 Listing  BEE Certificate   Manufacturer Distributor Exporter Service Provider

Latham Filtration Technology Pty Ltd is recognized as a leader in the field of solid / liquid separation and pressure filtration systems.

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Phone   +27 (0)11 708 2313
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Lindapter International   Silver100 Elite Listing 

Inventor and pioneer of steelwork clamping systems, providing an independently approved and exclusive product range of steelwork fixings, adjustable clamps, cavity fixings, decking fixings, support fixings and floor fixings.

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Phone   +44 (0)1274 521444
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Lucy Switchgear   Silver 100 Enhanced Listing 

Lucy Switchgear provides switching and protection solutions for electrical distribution systems.

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Phone   +44 1844 267365
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